October Fishing Report

October brings in a season that many anglers overlook, yet are really missing out on; the grayling fishing. These awesome fish, dubbed the ‘lady of the stream’, are an incredible fish to capture. Granted, the best of the grayling fishing appears once a couple of frosts have graced the ground; but don’t let the cold weather put you off! Our grayling season started on the 15th October, and ends on the last day of February. At £35 for a day on our 2.5 mile long river, there a plenty of grayling of all sizes this year, and two heavy flies rolled along the riverbed have already brought a few superb 1.5-2lb grayling to the net! Fly suggestions for these fish would be size 14 and 16 shrimp patterns and size 14-16 purple, blue and orange collar jig flies.

Most of October has been wet, windy and dreary, with a few spectacular autumn days thrown into the mix. With some very heavy rainfall this month, the river did rise and colour up for a few days; however, being close to the source of the river Avon, the colour can quickly drop out of the river and return back to it’s usual calm, clear nature.

More nice fish were caught during October from our lakes, with many of the larger brown being seen closer to the banks and especially underneath the willow tree on Manor Lake;

G. Roberts caught the largest fish of the month, with a rainbow weighing 11lb 9oz. This was caught along the North bank of Manor lake. Mr Isaac had a lovely trio of fish, with a rainbow at 7lb 8oz and a brown trout at 7lb, and another rainbow at 4lb 8oz.

Other larger fish caught this month include;

C. Mitchell (8lb 8oz RT), Mr Davidsen (8lb and 7lb 4oz RT), J. Williams (7lb 8oz BT), B. Haycock (6lb 14oz BT), G. Pirie (7lb 8oz RT), M. Stacey (7lb 8oz RT), A. Oakley (7lb 4oz RT), L. Price (6lb 12oz RT), C. Evans (6lb 80z BT),  C. Brown (6lb 8oz RT), L. Flynn (6lb 14oz RT), K. Rippin (6lb 8oz RT), B. Aspey (6lb 8oz RT), S. Dyke (5lb 8oz BT), T. Flagg (6lb 8oz RT), D. Hull (6lb RT), I. Frankham (6lb RT), M. Lester (6lb BT), K. Mayall (5lb 7oz RT), P. Jones (6lb and 5lb RT), T. Warner (6lb BT), C. Beckwith (6lb 4oz BT), and R. Elliott (6lb 6oz BT).


Best Flies for the month were;  Blue Flash Damsel, Copper John, Montana, Diawl Bach, Black, white and orange lures, and even black klinkhamers.


Jobs around the fishery for Malcolm and myself has included;  pressure washing bridges, lodge decking and fish farm walkways, replacing steps in the fish farm, clearance of windswept and fallen trees, clearing the river of debris from periods of high water levels and moving fry out into our on-growing ponds to grow onto some beautiful fish for the next few years. Yet, the grass and nettles are still growing happily so our strimmers, hedgecutters and mowers are still getting a ‘look-in’ at the action.

Look forward to seeing many of you before the New Year;  don’t forget your gloves and bobble hats for the cold weather!


Tight lines,


Manningford Trout Fishery, Pewsey, Wiltshire SN9 6NR

Manningford Fishery

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