July Fishing Report

July brought with it some changeable weather, from 33°C temperatures and high humidity to heavy downpours of rain and sheet lighting thunderstorms!. That’s the British weather for you, and i think most fisheries and fish farm around the UK are welcoming any rain they can get!

This month, the fishery experienced some great sport from Blue Flash Damsels, buzzers, stalking bugs and plenty of action on dry flies. When fish aren’t seen rising, it has still been more than worthwhile trying to tempt the fish to a size 14 grey wulff in the margins.


Fortunately for us during the hot weather, our water temperature never rose above 12ºC due to our inflow of water from the upper reaches of the river Avon.


Large fish caught this month have been;

K. Stokes (9lb 4ozlb rainbow, 7lb 8ozlb rainbow), B. Ruth (7lb 8oz rainbow, 5lb 8oz brown, 5lb brown), P. Todd (7lb 4oz), G. Ellis (7lb 4oz), N. Bonnick (7lb 4oz), J. Lewis (7lb 8oz), A. Lichough (6lb 12oz),  Soren (6lb 12oz), M. Kemp (6lb), R. Dodd (6lb 8oz),  B. Heath (6lb 4oz), S. Dyke (6lb 5oz) and many more between 5lb-6lb.


On the fishery during July, we have had 3 weeks of the Marlborough Summer School fishing in the morning on every weekday, with around 10 kids per day. All of their fishing time has been up on our catch and release lake, Squires. Here, they have been learning everything from fly casting to knot tying, landing fish and safe releasing practices. This is now finishing, and Squires lake is back to usage as it was in June.

We also had another local school class come into the fishery for two consecutive  days on Manor lake, and after some fly casting tuition, they were well away to catching their first fish (plural!).

Along side these school days and multiple other fishing and casting tuition session, Malcolm and myself have been completing plenty of jobs; strimming, mowing  and hedgecutting around the fish farm and lakes, feeding and grading fish. We have also opened many section of the river up to allow more ease of access to the river. We are also currently in the process of creating some Manningford Trout Fishery clothing for the fishery team.


Tight lines, and hope to see many of you in soon.



Manningford Trout Fishery, Pewsey, Wiltshire SN9 6NR

Manningford Fishery

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