February 13th Update

After the dismal January weather that everyone has experienced, I had high hopes for a drier February. But alas, once again, nature seemingly has other ideas! The wet stuff still falls from the sky as I write this, and a grey colour palette is certainly prominent when looking out of the windows! However, this has not deterred many anglers from coming to have a cast and catch plenty of fish!

The amount of sticklebacks I have seen so far this year have been incredible, and it seems the fish seem to think so too! Whether it be in the shallows or into the deeper water, the trout seem to be getting into the habit of adding them onto their menu!

In the past 10 days, the best brown trout caught was by Mr Arlott, with a Brown at 9lb 1oz as part of his 3 fish bag, closely followed by Mr Challinor with 8lb 10oz. A tie for largest rainbow this week was junior Ralph Apa and Mr Warsap, both with rainbows at 5lb 4oz as part of their bags.


Fishing methods for the lakes have been quite varied: some days, a orange blob twitched along the bottom has been the method, whereas other have caught on tiny damsels  high in the water column. However, with the current weather and water conditions, the fish seem to be holding and being caught deeper in the water. But the main key to success is to keep moving around the lake, and not planting your roots into one spot!

The river has been a bit of a wash out on many days, with high water from the weather. However on the days which the river has been in fishable conditions, with both Paul Withers and Alex Adams catching and releasing in excess of 30 fish each! Shrimps and pink tags are the go to flies fished Duo style, or with a small indicator.

Manningford Trout Fishery, Pewsey, Wiltshire SN9 6NR

Manningford Fishery

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