Back to it! – July 2023

Well its been a while, hasn’t it? I can only apologise for the lack of updates on this News page, but unfortunately work life can be hectic and things can slip your mind for quite some time it seems! Therefore, if you see no updates for a while in the future, please feel free to give myself (Fen) a proverbial kick up the backside!

One quick note before I ramble on any further is booking. There is no need to prebook your fishing here at Manningford, unless you are a relatively large group! We brought in the booking system purely for Covid times. Now though, there is no need. Just quickly check our online calendar so you can see any closed days (blocked out in a solid deep red colour).

So, into the general waffle!

What a change this summer has been compared to 2022! The cooler, and occasionally wetter, weather has seen the lakes remain clear… Well, apart from the damned willow seed a month or so ago and leaves brought down from last week extremely blustery breezes! The wildlife has remained active too; today alone I have seen Roe deer, which tried to engage in a staring contest with me, two kingfishers, red kites, buzzards and the Swallows flying high above, waiting for the hatches to swoop down upon.

The fishing on the lakes has been variable recently; one day lures stripped fast is the method, and the next is static buzzers and dries fished under the trees. Chopping and changing tactics and location around the lake is often a requirement – i would advise against standing in one spot, fishing only a blue flash damsel all day “because it worked last time”! Take a walk around the lake and fish areas you haven’t properly fished before, there’s plenty of lake to experience! Dont forget, the staff at Manningford are always happy to point you in the right direction, so don’t be afraid to ask for helpful tips!

The biggest rainbow this week was caught by Mr Potang at 14lb 15oz, and measured 80cm long, where as season ticket holder Mrs Godwin had a brown at 7lb 4oz. Plenty of big browns were stocked last week, and only one has come out that we know of, so they’re still swimming around somewhere. These are likely underneath the big willow tree where the exposed tree roots entertain the freshwater gammarus, and create a fast food outlet for the fish that want that niche food source!

Come and get a bend in your rod, you never know what might be attached to the other end! 🐟


Manningford Trout Fishery, Pewsey, Wiltshire SN9 6NR

Manningford Fishery

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